Friday as usual started with Jais swim followed by Marathi Shaka for both of us. This Friday it was refreshing as compared to previous weeks since I saw lots of progress in reading in every kid and class ended with dance with singing cute Marathi ‘badbad Geeta’. Recently we are watching ‘Partner Track’ whenever we get time, we are enjoying it a lot! So watched one episode and slept to wake up early for big day….which I have been planning for last 8 weeks. We woke up and reached church for pancake breakfast fundraiser at 8. All the scouts and volunteers were there. According to plan they helped set up and started cooking. I printed cute order forms which scouts loved. I cooked lots and lots of pancakes after everything was lined up! It was lot of fun and my dream come true to cook these many pancakes. Got lot of compliments for perfect pancakes! Event was very successful and we raised around $1100. Came home 2pm and relaxed while connecting with Shri’s brother’s families. Neighbor frien...